Do you want to know WHY our apparel says iGIVAFCK on it? Too many people these days love to say they DON’T GIVAFCK. It has somehow become cool to show the world that we don’t care. But why? We all care. We all care about many things in our lives. Our families. Our homes. Our pets. Our history. Our potential. Music. Food. Aaaaand some people care about us knowing that they DON’T GIVAFCK...a walking contradiction!!
We believe that continuing to build upon a foundation of thinking it’s cool to not care will lead to some dark places. We are here to help flip the script. We created this statement for those of us who are strong enough and brave enough to wear our hearts on our sleeves...or in this case on our chest. For those of us who are proud enough to let others know that we DO care. We want to create a community and eventually a society where we really do GIVAFCK.
To us, iGIVAFCK is an acronym for “I GIVE A FOOD CARE KIT” as we are providing TEN meals to people in need each time we sell an item. We care about spreading positivity. We care about all humans having an equal opportunity to eat. We care about making the world a better place to live in.
But iGIVAFCK can mean WHATEVER YOU WANT IT TO MEAN. It can even mean something different to you in each moment. One thing you can always be sure of is that every single iGIVAFCK t-shirt, hat, or any other Tenfed item, will feed TEN nutritious meals to those in need.
Join us…. let’s flip the script and boldly spread more love in this world.